During the next couple of months we will be raising money for Living Water International (LWI). You can donate using the "Donate" button to the right of this column. It will take you to a Paypal screen, Paypal is used by many large online organizations (ebay) as a safe and reliable way to transfer money. Recently one of our family friends started working for Living Water International as their CFO. Their approach is three fold, they wish to train, equip, and consult the nationals in how to bring clean water to their community. This approach assures that the energy and resources donated by volunteers and donors results in a sustainable, participatory water systems that meet the long term needs of the community. Prior to the well being drilled many of the people walk for miles to obtain water. Having a pure source of water, established within the community, allows time to be devoted to improving the quality of living through work and education. I encourage you to go their website, http://v7.water.cc/, and see what they are doing.
The reason Andrew and I decided to support this organization is because it is not a huge charity that already has gobs of money. It is an organization that spends as they have and is making an impact. A well costs approximately $20,000. We are looking to be able to fund a complete project. 80% of all donations will be put directly to Living Water International. The remaining 20% will be used to help with the costs of the trip.
Andrew and I are both excited about this opportunity to help LWI in providing such a tangible resource as water to a community in need. We hope that you will partner with us in this adventure and this cause.
We are flying into San Francisco on the 24th of June and spending some time with the Lev family before we head out on June 26th. Very exciting =) We will then be biking for the next 55 days to get across this great nation. We will need to average around 75 miles per day, with a couple days off. It'll be epic =) We need to get back in time for Andrew to get to classes and hopefully for me to get back to a job (side note: I just finished my application process for the Air Force!).
From talking with friends and family who have done this trip before us we feel confident of being well prepared, though I suspect that nothing but the real thing is going to give us a full understanding of the task before us.
Signing off,
PS Andrew, I think we need nicknames.