Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Comment Response

Mom: Haha yes it was big, it was actually in Wisconsin. Right now it's raining...and I don't like riding in the rain, so we're in the library in this great little town called Gladstone. It's right on a bay, quite nice actually =)

Dan: That's awesome! Tell her thanks for following!!

Megan! hmmm well I asked my brother and he and I agree that probably the funniest story was a giant deer (big antlers and everything) that we caught in Yellowstone taking a dump off the side of the road. Andrew took a video, I turned my head in respect. We also enjoy getting the cattle to run with us. Horses are less prone to do this, but cattle always seem to want to come along for the ride.

Uncle Bill: Thanks!

Liz: Thanks! I don't know, they've been in a little town called Crandon for six years now. He used to be a resturant manager. Great couple.


  1. You are talking about Pastor Ed and his wife Donna. They are great people and are caring to other people.

  2. hahah...Riding with the cattle does sounds enjoyable. I would pretend like I was a cattle rancher from the 1800s with an unusual piece of steel as my mode of transportation.

    Enjoy Michigan or whatever state you are in today!

  3. You two must have legs of steel by now! I have been reading your blog all summer and I've throughly enjoyed reading about your expedition cross country. I can't believe you two have ridden over 2000 miles already...it's gone by so fast :) I wish we could be at Long Beach Island when you arrive, which will be 12-10 days from now... very exciting! TTFN, Aunt Kathy xoxo
