Saturday, June 25, 2011

On the launch pad =)

Bikes are put together, gear is packed, and we're chilling in the cool of the Californian afternoon in the warm embrace of family away from home. We spent the morning learning archery from Uncle Bill and cousin Ryan. Andrew (Jack Hammer, self appointed nickname) and I (with a yet to be revealed killer nickname) are now expert marksmen, so if you try mugging us on the road watch out because we will go find a bow and hunt you down (just kidding of course, we'd call the police first then come find you).

We're going to head out tomorrow late morning from the San Francisco side of the Golden Gate bridge. We have a route picked out through California, Rt. 1 to Rt 299, up into Oregon. From there Idaho and the rest of the country =) We've budgeted 10 days for California, so 10 days from now if we are not through I want emails asking me what happened. You all, the hundreds and thousands of you, have a responsibility to help keep us on schedule, because we have the propensity to look admire the scenery.

I hope to post later this week,

Signing off,

* Picture is of Andrew and I with the cousins, left to right, Patty, myself, Ryan, and Andrew
** 80% of all donations go towards Living Water International (


  1. It was great to see Nathaniel and Andrew for a short visit before they left on their adventure across the country.

    Uncle Bill

  2. I am glad you were able to hook up with your California Cousins, Aunt Kathy and Uncle Bill. They are great people!
    The advice my Dad gave me was..."Don't talk to anyone, don't even look at them." Yeah, I know...I didn't listen either.
    Be safe, Andrew wear the helmet.
    Enjoy Rt 1!
    All of God's Blessings,

  3. Yeah!!!!!!!!!! Have a great trip!! Thanks for being here at the wedding!!!!!
